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Home » Micro inverters » Micro inverter failures
Micro inverter failures
Having installed both micro-inverters and string inverters in residential settings, I think each has their advantages and disadvantages. If shade is not a factor, the efficiency and cost of string inverters give them the edge in most cases. Shade tolerant MPPTs -- which have not been widely available and the use of DC optimizers will help string inverters. On the other hand, the flexibility of design and ease of installation, as well as shade tolerance, give micro inverters the edge on small systems, systems with various roof orientations and shade.
The instant notifications of module and inverter problems are an edge the micro inverters have, although I am not sure what constitutes a failure. I am interested in discussing these failure detections with installers as Gozuk will be launching our own micro inverter shortly.
Module failures were mentioned upstream but this thread is getting larger by the day making it a daunting task for people to scroll up. I apologize to everyone for my repeated requests.
NREL has a module failure database and asks for people to share their own observed failures. I would highly recommend everyone contribute to this database. This brings me to an interesting question- Inverter failures will be easily recognized by the monitoring but what kind of module failures have you seen? Typically, the most relevant module failures are:
The instant notifications of module and inverter problems are an edge the micro inverters have, although I am not sure what constitutes a failure. I am interested in discussing these failure detections with installers as Gozuk will be launching our own micro inverter shortly.
Module failures were mentioned upstream but this thread is getting larger by the day making it a daunting task for people to scroll up. I apologize to everyone for my repeated requests.
NREL has a module failure database and asks for people to share their own observed failures. I would highly recommend everyone contribute to this database. This brings me to an interesting question- Inverter failures will be easily recognized by the monitoring but what kind of module failures have you seen? Typically, the most relevant module failures are:
- Cracks in the glass or within the cells/films
- Significant visual changes on either the active (sun) side or back side of a module such as cracking, color changes, or delamination
- Electrical short circuits or burn spots
- Obvious corrosion of lead or cell interconnections
- Significant distortions in the module shape (frame distortion, flatness)
- Power lead failures (separation from junction box or connectors, cracking of insulation)
- Junction box changes (separation from module, movement along the back sheet).
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