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Solar power In India
In India people tries to make money with the little knowledge on any subject. Here it is 'solar'. Solar scam is the net result.
India established Solar Energy Centre in 1982. They are supposed to build up the knowledge base and advise government to create an ambiance for the growth of solar sector. Their contributions are not in public domain.
How many times engineers and scientists who work on renewable energy visited Western World from 1982 to till now with government funds? Did they report to government on the progress made by Western Countries in solar sector? Global cumulative solar installed capacity is 100+ GW as of 2012.
The target of 200 GW by 2050 was decided while preparing the Climate Change Policy. Information about this target was leaked out and published by The Hindu daily on 26.4.2009. Government reiterated it in 'National Electricity Plan 2012' dated Jan 2012. To my assessment serious attempt is not made to attain this target. Nothing was mentioned in the JNNSM about this vision. It is time India to wake up and prepare a roadmap and proceed with execution on a war footing to achieve this vision.
A world view of solar generation can be read in 'Global PV status report 2013 European Commission. India is the fifth largest electricity consumer. Our contribution is just 2000 plus MW as on 2013. Compare it with the achievements of various countries. India is far behind.
The statement 'Solar power In India is concentrated in Western parts'. is not fully correct. India's rooftop solar potential is not yet assessed.
I assessed the rooftop potential of Kerala as 10000 MW initially. I communicated my vision '100% Renewable Kerala' to KSEB on 20.3.2012. I presented my vision during a workshop organised by the Planning Board, Kerala on 11.2.2013. In another feasibility report prepared for Govt of Kerala I assessed rooftop potential by detailed calculation as 14239 MW. In a recent report submitted by World Institute of Sustainable Energy, Pune also visualised 100% renewable Kerala with a rooftop potential of 13079 MW. It seems Kerala is working on this target. I wish success to the effort.
I do not subscribe to the conclusion that India had a good pace of growth. Years back Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam called for a 'Rethink on GDP'. Lot of discussions followed and still follows the outdated concept 'GDP'.
It is ridiculous to back track the energy sector. Energy is a necessary input for progress. If we go by conventional energy generation the day is not far when progress come to a halt. None can predict the next stage!! India should realize that the country that command larger energy lead the world. Now it is the renewable energy.
HOW ARE WE TO MOVE FROM 250 GW TO 1000 GW ? is a pertinent question before the scientists for answer.
India established Solar Energy Centre in 1982. They are supposed to build up the knowledge base and advise government to create an ambiance for the growth of solar sector. Their contributions are not in public domain.
How many times engineers and scientists who work on renewable energy visited Western World from 1982 to till now with government funds? Did they report to government on the progress made by Western Countries in solar sector? Global cumulative solar installed capacity is 100+ GW as of 2012.
The target of 200 GW by 2050 was decided while preparing the Climate Change Policy. Information about this target was leaked out and published by The Hindu daily on 26.4.2009. Government reiterated it in 'National Electricity Plan 2012' dated Jan 2012. To my assessment serious attempt is not made to attain this target. Nothing was mentioned in the JNNSM about this vision. It is time India to wake up and prepare a roadmap and proceed with execution on a war footing to achieve this vision.
A world view of solar generation can be read in 'Global PV status report 2013 European Commission. India is the fifth largest electricity consumer. Our contribution is just 2000 plus MW as on 2013. Compare it with the achievements of various countries. India is far behind.
The statement 'Solar power In India is concentrated in Western parts'. is not fully correct. India's rooftop solar potential is not yet assessed.
I assessed the rooftop potential of Kerala as 10000 MW initially. I communicated my vision '100% Renewable Kerala' to KSEB on 20.3.2012. I presented my vision during a workshop organised by the Planning Board, Kerala on 11.2.2013. In another feasibility report prepared for Govt of Kerala I assessed rooftop potential by detailed calculation as 14239 MW. In a recent report submitted by World Institute of Sustainable Energy, Pune also visualised 100% renewable Kerala with a rooftop potential of 13079 MW. It seems Kerala is working on this target. I wish success to the effort.
I do not subscribe to the conclusion that India had a good pace of growth. Years back Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam called for a 'Rethink on GDP'. Lot of discussions followed and still follows the outdated concept 'GDP'.
It is ridiculous to back track the energy sector. Energy is a necessary input for progress. If we go by conventional energy generation the day is not far when progress come to a halt. None can predict the next stage!! India should realize that the country that command larger energy lead the world. Now it is the renewable energy.
HOW ARE WE TO MOVE FROM 250 GW TO 1000 GW ? is a pertinent question before the scientists for answer.
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