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Home » Solar Energy » Say NO to residential roof top solar system
Say NO to residential roof top solar system
We as consumers must say NO to Kerala like subsidy and residential roof top systems in general for the time being as the costs are not transparent and we owners will make the installation companies / channel partners, administration people rich (i.e subsidy money goes to them) and not as consumers. No standard specifications and no generation guarantee, no maintenance support for 20 years...
Here is how:
a). Cost of panels is around Rs. 25 to 40/wp. So, Rs. 25,000 to 30k max.
b). Inverter costs are known (some one can mention the exact cost for 1 kw)
c). Cables and BOS, Installation costs etc.
d). German prices are around 1000 Euro for 1 kw.
In INDIA MNRE agrees for Rs. 13 Crore/mw for solar roof top and Solar irrigation (where motor cost is extra) i.e Rs. 130 to 160 /w as capex.
e). Capital subsidy by MNRE(30% of 160 = 48k/kw) and Kerala by another 30% i.e 48k/kw. Thus, net cost to the customer is 160-96 = Rs.65k to 80 k, which is the actual cost (without subsidy) in Germany or such other places !! FiT is the key benefit in Germany and USA.
f). Thus, we are wasting the Public money by buying the such roof top system with a flawed policy, wherein the Rs. 96 k is shared amongst the middlemen while making the customer to pay through nose the actual value. i.e for a project cost of Rs. 16 Cr/MW, we (public money) are paying Rs. 9.6 Crore/MW as subsidy to these channel partners and sanctioning authorities etc.
g). We must ask the government(s) to promote only the ground mounted projects at rs. 7 Cr/MW with interest subsidy (of 5 to 6% subsidy from Govt which will be only Rs. 1.82 Cr./MW instead of Rs. 9.6 cr/MW) wherein we can supply the power at Rs. 5 to 7/kwh with a 5% escalation per year.
h). We can think of only owning the roof top systems when the prices per kw is only Rs.50k/kw without subsidy, which needs an uncovering of these subsidy agenda, which will happen very soon as the education and small entrepreneurs will take it very seriously and pressurize the government to provide loan to generate pv projects in every taluka with interest subsidy so that net project interest rate can be 1 or 2%, so that we can not go to EXIM bank etc to give business to USA, instead, we can buy Indian products while being an INDIAN.
i). Please note that Gujarat government has agreed to provide loan of Rs. 2100 crore (complete investment including the plant transfer costs from Bengal) to TATA NANO at 0.1% interest rate / annum (!) with a 20 year term to set up the plant to generate employment including cheap land. So, when large and rich corporate companies can get at cheap rate of interest loans, why not new and small entrepreneurs to distribute the wealth through a 25 MW solar pv project with such loan and supply power at rs.5/kwh with a clearly defined policy with financial number so that we can generate huge number of learned entrepreneurs at rural India with capacity cap per entity and to create large number of jobs, thus, low cost power to common people with accountability by Entrepreneurs. Government nominee can be on the board of each of such company to mentor like Govt did for Satyam Computer... why only large corporate companies get such cheap loans, why not small entrepreneurs for cheap power for common man in every Taluka where energy of 1.5MU/MW/Year can be produced....
So, say no to inefficient roof top systems (which are not governed by any standard products or spex etc), as it is making the Government to lose a huge subsidy money of nearly Rs.9 Cr/MW, which can be better deployed for Ground mounted systems or on large Industry roof top (they can produce and use in the first shift and relieve the grid power to residences)....
Here is how:
a). Cost of panels is around Rs. 25 to 40/wp. So, Rs. 25,000 to 30k max.
b). Inverter costs are known (some one can mention the exact cost for 1 kw)
c). Cables and BOS, Installation costs etc.
d). German prices are around 1000 Euro for 1 kw.
In INDIA MNRE agrees for Rs. 13 Crore/mw for solar roof top and Solar irrigation (where motor cost is extra) i.e Rs. 130 to 160 /w as capex.
e). Capital subsidy by MNRE(30% of 160 = 48k/kw) and Kerala by another 30% i.e 48k/kw. Thus, net cost to the customer is 160-96 = Rs.65k to 80 k, which is the actual cost (without subsidy) in Germany or such other places !! FiT is the key benefit in Germany and USA.
f). Thus, we are wasting the Public money by buying the such roof top system with a flawed policy, wherein the Rs. 96 k is shared amongst the middlemen while making the customer to pay through nose the actual value. i.e for a project cost of Rs. 16 Cr/MW, we (public money) are paying Rs. 9.6 Crore/MW as subsidy to these channel partners and sanctioning authorities etc.
g). We must ask the government(s) to promote only the ground mounted projects at rs. 7 Cr/MW with interest subsidy (of 5 to 6% subsidy from Govt which will be only Rs. 1.82 Cr./MW instead of Rs. 9.6 cr/MW) wherein we can supply the power at Rs. 5 to 7/kwh with a 5% escalation per year.
h). We can think of only owning the roof top systems when the prices per kw is only Rs.50k/kw without subsidy, which needs an uncovering of these subsidy agenda, which will happen very soon as the education and small entrepreneurs will take it very seriously and pressurize the government to provide loan to generate pv projects in every taluka with interest subsidy so that net project interest rate can be 1 or 2%, so that we can not go to EXIM bank etc to give business to USA, instead, we can buy Indian products while being an INDIAN.
i). Please note that Gujarat government has agreed to provide loan of Rs. 2100 crore (complete investment including the plant transfer costs from Bengal) to TATA NANO at 0.1% interest rate / annum (!) with a 20 year term to set up the plant to generate employment including cheap land. So, when large and rich corporate companies can get at cheap rate of interest loans, why not new and small entrepreneurs to distribute the wealth through a 25 MW solar pv project with such loan and supply power at rs.5/kwh with a clearly defined policy with financial number so that we can generate huge number of learned entrepreneurs at rural India with capacity cap per entity and to create large number of jobs, thus, low cost power to common people with accountability by Entrepreneurs. Government nominee can be on the board of each of such company to mentor like Govt did for Satyam Computer... why only large corporate companies get such cheap loans, why not small entrepreneurs for cheap power for common man in every Taluka where energy of 1.5MU/MW/Year can be produced....
So, say no to inefficient roof top systems (which are not governed by any standard products or spex etc), as it is making the Government to lose a huge subsidy money of nearly Rs.9 Cr/MW, which can be better deployed for Ground mounted systems or on large Industry roof top (they can produce and use in the first shift and relieve the grid power to residences)....
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